I managed to learn the basic knowledge of creating rollover graphics in Flash, so I was able to convert my Web site from tables to flash. It still needs tweaking, but is in much better shape than it was before. Click here to view in browser.
My mini-portfolio is coming along nicely. A couple weeks ago I bought six-inch by six inch photo albums at Hobby Lobby so I just have to cut out my clips and place them into the plastic sleeves on each page. I have decided on all of my clips and I just finished my redesign, so it is all set and ready to go. I just have to cut the clips to fit in the pages accordingly. As for the process so far I am very pleased with it.
Finally I have been working over the past couple of days on the upcoming issue of Global Journalist. I was assigned a fascinating story on the ethics of photoshopping news photos. I won't spoil the story here, so you will just have to go and read it for yourself. At first I struggled with the three-page design, but going off the advice of Aimee I have finished my first draft and eagerly look forward to hearing from the editors on Friday before the first round of revisions. I will put up the final pages once all corrections are done, but I have also added my first draft here.
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