Currently I have two ongoing projects for the capstone class. First I am designing the Feature #2 for the 3.19 issue of VOX, which is a story about the grocery stores in Columbia. That is not quite done yet so I will be posting that design later this week. Check back to see.
The second project is the design/publishing project that we have been slowly working on all semester. I presented my ideas to the publishing students on Monday along with the other two designers from my group, and while the design from one of the other designers was ultimately chosen as the design we will work from, I am in charge of all the web technical stuff (of which I know some, but not all. I have these grand ideas but I'm not good with the technical side of doing such things). Oh well. Anyways I have posted my designs that I presented on Monday. I had a lot of fun with this. My ideas for the web pages were based off of ESPN.com, because I am a sports junkie and really enjoy the way ESPN.com is set up as a website. Most of the images and boxes on the pages are hyperlinks to pages that have not been created yet, kind of like showing the surface of a very complex machine but not seeing the layers inside. It's really hard to design a web page on a program such as InDesign, because you can't show most of the features that come with a web site such as the one I proposed, such as the use of pop-up thumbnails and flash slideshows. But anyways here are the designs.
On deck for next week:
1) Attend a T/F film and a session of judging for POYI
2) Work on the Feature #2 on groceries
3) Work on the publishing/design group project