Over this past weekend I redesigned the cover and feature article which was assigned as the first assignment for this class.
Part of my problem with my original design for the cover is that I was too generic, so I worked on making my design more specific to the story, adding the i-Pod, movie ticket and "As Heard on TV" sticker. The movie ticket would work for the part of the story where the local bands contact with movie producers to have their audio used as part of the movie. I played off the "As Seen on TV" idea for making the sticker. The iPod connects both the TV and movie aspects of the story, since TV shows and movies can been shown on iPods nowadays, and the soundtracks of TV shows and movies can be added to a iTunes playlist.
With the feature article, I went back to my original idea I scrapped at the last minute before turning it in the first time. I am a fan of simple designs, so I just wanted to show that this was an economic story with probably the most well-known symbol of the economy in the United States: the dollar sign. I moved the sidebar to the last page on the bottom because I wanted to make the story flow and not have one page mostly filled with text and nothing else. I did not want to make the pictures different sizes because this story is about these two men's experiences, and I feel that by making one picture bigger than the other the article looks like its favoring one person over the other.
For next week:
1. Work on gathering art for the Short Talk section of the 2.19 issue of VOX.
2. Sketch thumbnails and create a design for the 2.26 cover due next week in lab.
3. Research and critique Sports Illustrated from the 1960s for the Historical perspectives assignment.
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